Published: 04/07/2021
Mobiography Made Easy: Image Composition by Hemant Jariwala
This article first appeared in the Rothsay Ramblers June 2021 newsletter and is reproduced here with a number of his images by kind permission of Hemant Jariwala. Hemant has also kindly provided a number of photos for use across this website.
“Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow!” Imogen Cunningham (1883 – 1976)
I have put together a few compositional tips for mastering Mobiography. Indeed, many people regularly apologise that they just have an iPhone or smart phone camera and don’t have a “proper camera”. However, if an image is powerful and interesting, it doesn’t really matter what it is taken on! Although there are many limitations to photographing using a phone camera, remember, a smart phone is always with you and you are more likely to take more images as a result.
And finally, …. take it Seriously! Don’t treat smart phone photography as a throw away or ‘casual snapping’. Take your time to consider what you’re photographing, compose the image, get the exposure correct and shoot. Stop walking or moving about and hold the phone steady (either, vertically or horizontally)! Take the image with some degree of thought. So often, many people are hurriedly snapping and ruining their photographs with badly composed and shaky imagery. Remember, every image you take is unique!
All images for this article were shot with my iPhone!
“Keep snapping, and have fun!”
Hemant Jariwala