Young Arts


young arts group.JPGOur society aims to inspire young people with a lasting enthusiasm for the arts.  

We work with schools by funding ‘Artists in Residence’ to work on arts projects with pupils. For example, local artists Anne-Marie Abbate and Amanda Silk have worked with special school pupils to help them create art work. Projects have involved the use of felt, tie-dye, ceramics, print-making and collage. Another project involved working with school pupils to create a mural on a wall in their school grounds. We also arranged a pottery workshop for young carers and an arts project for a Ukrainian School (as seen in the photo here.)

We arrange and support art competitions. One project involved working with a local primary school to produce designs for our Christmas card. Previously we have provided prizes for the Harpur Trust Art Competition, open to all local schools. 

As well as providing young people with an opportunity to develop their creative skills, our projects have had an impact on their social and communication skills as they work together to create displays of their work. 

Members' donations and their purchase of second hand books to support Young Arts make a huge impact and allow us to offer these workshops, art competitions and many more activities to young people in the area.

More details and information about our projects can be found by emailing Lynne Vaughan or by clicking on the links below.