fifty Treasures of Beds & Herts book available

A collection of well and lesser known places and artistic objects to visit in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire has been printed and you can send off for copies. Copies will also be available at our meetings.
To celebrate its 50th anniversary The Arts Society, together with Arts Society Areas has published a range of guide books. People were asked for ideas for what they considered to be a treasure; what they would advise a friend who was new to the area to visit, a place that will be remembered long after the time spent there. All the venues have a story, some profound and some just a pleasant day out. Some will surprise you while others will be obvious. All 50 entries for Beds and Herts have sufficient importance to be suggested by the membership of societies from across the area, and only those with multiple suggestions were considered.
Remember that when you purchase your copy of 50 Treasures you help the society financially, as all profits go back to support our Young Arts projects.
To order a copy, please email Lynne Vaughan. On payment of £7.50 per copy (£5 plus £2.50 p+p), the book will be delivered to you.