Have you seen the new Young Arts Mural on the wall of The Grange Academy Kempston? The Climate Change Mural was designed by a group of Year 10/11 students to bring climate change to the fore of students, people visiting the school and the public who live in the area.
The wall:
During the last week of the Summer Term, through rain and shine, we mapped an outline of the students' ideas onto the wall in question and the students got to work. Transferring their drawings/ideas onto the wall caused a great deal of excitement amongst students and staff and as the days went by younger pupils and staff added their small contributions to the mural.
The Students:
The students have shown this mural is more than just an art piece. Their ideas have been heard, respected and valued. The Grange Academy remains a place where young people can thrive!
A big "Thank You" goes to The Art Society for their Community Grant, our Members for their continued support and the Students at the Grange (Amazing!)
Lynne Vaughan, Young Arts