The Arts Society Conference in Bristol, 22-24 May 2023 - Transform, Regenerate, Inspire

Published: 31/05/2023

Having just returned from the Conference and AGM, I thought you would be interested to know some of the key ideas and discussion points that were raised and discussed.

We had an inspiring talk by George Ferguson, architect and former first elected Mayor; he was responsible for regenerating an area previously part of the Wills Empire, run down and in a deprived part of Bristol. It became ‘The Tobacco Factory’, now thriving, not least for its theatre as well as being a complex for all sorts of events.

The subtext to this story was to inspire us to see what our Societies can do for our own community; several Societies run Trails of Discovery, one of which I followed at St Mary Redcliffe Church. Brilliant and so helpful.

Our Young Arts is an example of how we do this and Lynne’s recent felting workshop at The Grange School was a wonderful example; she has other projects coming to fruition soon. What else can we do? What does our community need in the prisons, hospitals, for the carers, the mental health workers? We need you, our members, to help us here.

Another key idea that came across in discussion was how we need to show that our ‘Arts’ is not just about pictures or ‘High Art’ but as much about our heritage and its preservation. Our artistic lives and interests cover so much: music, gardens, architecture, sculpture, places and countries, fabrics, British history, wallpaper, collectors....we know this but do other people?

It is up to all of us to spread the word so as to engage new members and hope they join us in our discoveries!

Debbi Clifton