Young Arts


Our society aims to inspire young people with a lasting enthusiasm for the arts.  

We work with schools by funding ‘Artists in Residence’ to work on arts projects with pupils. For example, local artists Anne-Marie Abbate and Amanda Silk have worked with special school pupils to help them create art work. Projects have involved the use of felt, tie-dye, ceramics, print-making and collage. You can find out more about these workshops  by clicking here. We also arranged a pottery workshop for young carers (details below). As well as providing young people with an opportunity to develop their creative skills, our projects have had an impact on their social and communication skills as they work together to create displays of their work. 

We arrange and support art competitions. One project involved working with a local primary school to produce designs for our Christmas card. Previously we have provided prizes for the Harpur Trust Art Competition, open to all local schools. 

Members' donations and purchase of second hand books to support Young Arts make a huge impact and allow us to offer these workshops, art competitions and many more activities to young people in the area.

Young Arts Pottery Workshop for Young Carers

IMG_0377p2.jpegA brilliant sunny day was held in August for another North Bedfordshire Arts Society Young Arts Workshop, this time with Young Carers in Bedford.

It is important to recognise that these children who give so much of their lives in caring for others (some as young as 4 years) are often overlooked in their community.


IMG_0360.jpegTwo pottery Young Carers workshops for 4-8 and 9-12 years of age were held in Kempston Youth Centre and conducted by one of our member artists, Amanda.

The first wibbly, wobbly, squishy and mushy session for the 4–8-year-olds (their comments, not mine!) was patting the clay into a ball and then throwing the clay onto the potter’s wheel. Next was the manipulation of the clay into stacks before placing their thumbs into the centre of the clay to make little pots.

IMG_0352 2.jpegThe afternoon session was attended by the 9 - 12-year-olds who made Sun Faces as well as using the wheel to make pots. After pressing soft clay into moulds and allowing it to harden, the young people painted their Sun faces in acrylic paints.

A wonderful sensory day was had by all the children who were delighted to express themselves in a safe environment of art and fun with the many snacks on offer!

The Bedford Carers organisation is an unpaid charity supporting at present, over 900 young carers.  Nationally it is estimated that there are two young carers in every classroom in the country.

IMG_0419p9.jpegA big Thank You goes out to our members for their kind contributions to Young Arts in North Bedfordshire which allow us to run these memorable days!

Lynne Vaughan, Young Arts


Click here  to contact Lynne Vaughan